Saint Alphonsus grotto

Confirmation Class

To receive the Sacrament of Confirmation students must be in 8th grade.

Candidates must begin confirmation classes in seventh grade and have completed the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion. We must have the baptismal certificate on file.

Confirmation classes are a part of our school curriculum but there may be events, retreats, or service hours required outside of school hours.

  • Must be TYPED (except for supervisor signature)

  • Please turn in  within 2 weeks of service performed

First Communion and Reconciliation

To participate in the Sacrament of First Communion, students in our school must have a certificate of baptism on file. Students usually receive the sacrament in second grade, however if needed students in other grades can have the sacrament also. Please contact the school office if needed.

The Sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation are a part of our school curriculum. However, there may be events, retreats, or service hours required outside of school hours.

Statue of St. Francis